Invalid casts occur when an instance is converted to a type it does not match.
Type casting looks like this:
var end = (Type)start;
and is called a cast expression.
Understand the types involved in your expression. The object must inherit the type it's being casted to, or must have a user-defined conversion to that type.
If Instantiate
is throwing the exception, then the original type of the object has been changed.
Re-assign the object you are instancing in the Inspector to fix the type mismatch.
If you are using a foreach with Transform
then you must use the Transform
type for the elements. No other type will work.
Incorrect, Example is not a Transform type.
foreach (Example item in transform)
Correct, the type used is Transform
foreach (Transform item in transform)
Foreach across other collections may have similar issues if you attempt to cast to a type unsupported by the usage.
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