
Styling elements in UI Toolkit#

This guide describes how to create USS selectors to style complex elements.

To do this, you must learn USS. USS is a query system similar to CSS that allows you to construct rules to constrain styling to specific elements.

We choose not to use direct inline styles via C#. Inline styles override all other styling, require recompilation to adjust, and must be specified every time an element is created.

Steps taken when styling an element#

  • Learn selector rules to target classes below objects in the hierarchy.
  • Understand USS precedence.
  • Create your element so it's ready for styling.
    • Learn how to name classes.
  • Use the UI Toolkit Debugger to inspect your element.
    • Preview style adjustments of your elements.
  • Construct a USS rule that targets your element.


  • Take a peek at the C# source code that actually constructed your control.

Learn selector rules#

Go through the USS selectors documentation to learn how to construct USS queries against your hierarchy.


This example lists selectors commonly used for basic styling.

/* This selector (a word without a prefix) matches types directly.
   This example will match any Button. */
Button { ... }

/* This selector "#" matches elements by name.
   This example will match any elements with the name "example". */
#example { ... }

/* This selector "." will match elements using a USS class.
   This example will match any elements with the "example" class. */
.example { ... }

/* This selector ">" combines two other selectors, matching the second if a direct child of the first in the hierarchy.
   This example will match any elements with the "child" class that are directly below elements with the "example" class. */
.example > .child { ... }

/* This selector " " combines two other selectors, matching the second if it's below the first in the hierarchy.
   This example will match any elements with the "descendant" class that are below elements with the "example" class. */
.example .descendant { ... }

/* This selector ":" matches elements in certain states. 
   This example matches hovered buttons. See the complete list in the caption below this code block. */
Button:hover { ... }

Rarer selectors/* Rarer selectors */
/* You can combine selectors by listing them without a space. This only works when each selector is clearly distinguished with # or . separating the list.
   This example matches any Button elements with the name and class "example" */
Button#example.example { ... }

/* You can apply the same styling rules to multiple groups of selectors by separating them with commas.
   This example matches any Button, and anything with the "example" class, or name. */
Button, .example, #example { ... }

/* The universal selector targets everything. Generally avoid it by preferring specifics. */
* { ... }
See the complete list of supported pseudo-classes.

Understand USS precedence#

There are a few levels to how styling is prioritised.

  1. Understand selector precedence.
  2. If you are using Theme Style Sheet, note that style sheets lower in the list are applied over those above.

Create your element#

We actually need to see an element to see how to style it. Create an element using the UI Builder or via code.

Elements should generally not be styled directly via C#'s inline styles. Inline styles override all other styling, require recompilation to adjust, and must be specified every time an element is created.

Use BEM when choosing class names#

Block Element Modifier (BEM) is a naming convention that is also used by UI Toolkit1. You can remain consistent with the built-in controls, and keep consistency with others by using it too.


For our styling example we will be styling a Slider. The example will use one from the UI Toolkit Samples WindowUI ToolkitSamples.

UI Toolkit Samples - Slider

Use the UI Toolkit Debugger to inspect your element#

Use the UI Toolkit Debugger to inspect the styles, types, names, classes, and hierarchy of your element. If you've used browser dev tools this should be familiar to you.

You can find the debugger at WindowUI ToolkitDebugger or WindowAnalysisUIElements Debugger depending on Unity version; right-click on an inspector tab and select it, or press CtrlF5.

Inspecting your element#

Select the correct window from the top left of the debugger, and select Pick Element. Hover your element until the portion you wish to work with is highlighted, and select it.


Don't inspect elements directly in the UI Builder for styling.
The UI Builder adds extra elements for resizing and highlighting that will not be present in the final UI.

Picking the background sliding bar of the Slider.

The hierarchy#

UI Toolkit Debugger - Hierarchy

Now the element has been selected (or something close to it), you can see a hierarchy of all the elements it's made of, their names, and their classes. The text in the hierarchy follows the selector rules we learned earlier.

You can hover over the elements, which will be highlighted in the window you are inspecting.

The inspector#

UI Toolkit Debugger - Inspector

Here you can see the layout, stylesheets and the order they are applied, matched selectors and their precedence, state, applied classes, styles and how they are matched, and a dump of the UXML.

Preview style adjustments of your elements#

In the Styles foldout you can override any style temporarily for the element (reload the window or reset its content to reset it).

UI Toolkit Debugger - Styles

Directly adjusting the height of the example slider.

Adjust the styles of your element, and surrounding elements under the control until you are happy with the outcome.


These adjustments are temporary, note down what adjustments you have made, or perform the next step in parallel.

Construct a USS rule#

Use selectors to target your element#

In your USS, reconstruct the work you have done in the debugger.
Often, you should anchor the styling to the root of the control, using the type, its name, or class. Take note of the preexisting Matching Selectors already present on your element for inspiration.

UI Toolkit Debugger - Matching selectors

A preexisting selector that has been used by UI Toolkit for our element.

Use properties to style your selector's matches#

Once you've created a selector, use USS properties to style the elements it matches. Learning USS properties and syntax is beyond the scope of this guide, but note it has great similarity with CSS if you ever get lost with a certain style.


The USS property data types page is a specification applying to the USS common properties page.
Apply the listed syntax rules to formulate a valid property.


.unity-base-slider__drag-container {
  /* Make the parent "drag container" align its "dragger" child in the center of the cross-axis */
  justify-content: center;

.unity-base-slider--horizontal .unity-base-slider__tracker {
  /* The "tracker" background can stretch across the slider (left 0 to right 0), 
     and not contribute to layout by using absolute. */
  position: absolute;
  height: 10px;
  top: auto;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  /* Set the radius to match the "dragger" */
  border-radius: 5px;

.unity-base-slider--horizontal .unity-base-slider__dragger {
  /* Make the "dragger" taller and remove previous alignment now it's centered */
  margin-top: 0;
  width: 16px;

.unity-base-slider--horizontal .unity-base-slider__dragger-border {
  /* Adjust the "dragger-border" to accomodate the new size of the "dragger". It's already absolute. */
  height: 14px;
  width: 20px;
  margin-left: -2px;

Or, targeting the specific slider by name/* Targeting the specific slider by name: */
#the-uxml-slider .unity-base-slider__drag-container {
  /* Make the parent "drag container" align its "dragger" child in the center of the cross-axis */
  justify-content: center;

#the-uxml-slider.unity-base-slider--horizontal .unity-base-slider__tracker {
  /* The "tracker" background can stretch across the slider (left 0 to right 0), 
     and not contribute to layout by using absolute. */
  position: absolute;
  height: 10px;
  top: auto;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  /* Set the radius to match the "dragger" */
  border-radius: 5px;

#the-uxml-slider.unity-base-slider--horizontal .unity-base-slider__dragger {
  /* Make the "dragger" taller and remove previous alignment now it's centered */
  margin-top: 0;
  width: 16px;

#the-uxml-slider.unity-base-slider--horizontal .unity-base-slider__dragger-border {
  /* Adjust the "dragger-border" to accomodate the new size of the "dragger". It's already absolute. */
  height: 14px;
  width: 20px;
  margin-left: -2px;
Making a thicker slider via USS.

Thicker Slider

Thicker slider created by the above USS.

Styling notes#

Take a peek at the C# source code#

It's generally good practice to take a look at the Unity C# reference source code to see how something works. I keep a copy downloaded to my computer so I can browse it as I work.

In my example, I've been working with a Slider, searching for it in the UIElements namespace you can find the file ModulesUIElementsCoreControlsSlider.cs.

Taking a look at how it's constructed, it uses a base class to do most of the work, but we can see it adds a class to the element, and uses properties to create some nested elements, adding classes to them too.

/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance of a Slider.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="label">The string representing the label that will appear beside the field.</param>
/// <param name="start">The minimum value that the slider encodes.</param>
/// <param name="end">The maximum value that the slider encodes.</param>
/// <param name="direction">The direction of the slider (Horizontal or Vertical).</param>
/// <param name="pageSize">A generic page size used to change the value when clicking in the slider.</param>
public Slider(string label, float start = 0, float end = kDefaultHighValue, SliderDirection direction = SliderDirection.Horizontal, float pageSize = kDefaultPageSize)
    : base(label, start, end, direction, pageSize)
One of the constructors for a Slider

These classes are public and static, so if you're ever needing them in C# you can access them directly from the class!

/// <summary>
/// USS class name of elements of this type.
/// </summary>
public new static readonly string ussClassName = "unity-slider";
/// <summary>
/// USS class name of labels in elements of this type.
/// </summary>
public new static readonly string labelUssClassName = ussClassName + "__label";
/// <summary>
/// USS class name of input elements in elements of this type.
/// </summary>
public new static readonly string inputUssClassName = ussClassName + "__input";
The classes applied to Slider as specified in C#.

You can investigate further, look at the base class BaseSlider, follow along to find out what elements it creates and what classes it adds. As most of UI Toolkit is in C#, and doesn't rely on UnityEngine.Object, most of the work is done in constructors and should be very intuitive!

Inline styles#

Inline styles are indicated in the debugger. As mentioned previously, inline styles cannot be overridden by USS. In these cases you will have to override the style in code, know you can poke around the source code to see why and how something has been done.

Complex styles#

Sometimes you might find a style isn't one of the common USS properties, and is instead implemented by CustomStyleProperty.
A great example of this is CurveField, where the curve color is driven by a CustomStyleProperty<Color> called --unity-curve-color, your USS can use this property2.

  1. Best practices for USS.

  2. To override a custom style in code, find what member the custom style is written to (m_CurveColor in this case), and write to it in a CustomStyleResolvedEvent callback.